Confidentiality and Privacy:

The author’s consent is mandatory before utilizing any unpublished material from the submitted article. In the context of peer review, upholding confidentiality regarding privileged information or ideas is imperative and should not be leveraged for personal benefit [1]. The International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) employs a double-anonymized peer-review method that guarantees confidentiality. As such, the reviewers are only at liberty to divulge information regarding the peer-review process and associated articles to third parties with the authorization of both the chief editor and the author.

The International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) ensures that the names of the authors, collaborators, reviewers, and affiliations will remain undisclosed. Therefore, the journal will use data provided by the author solely for publication purposes and will refrain from using the information for public or commercial purposes. Nevertheless, government entities that provide grants may occasionally require access to this data.

In certain instances, it may be necessary to provide access to this information to government grant-giving entities [1]. In this case, the International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) will preserve the anonymity of the peer-review selection while still supplying access to the data by transmitting a list of names and associations without forthright links.

The International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) can leverage the compiled lists to solicit articles, collaborative efforts, or other contributions by sending periodic emails. Additionally, journals will inform the subscribers of the forthcoming issues. Individuals who wish to opt-out of receiving further updates can do so by requesting to be removed from the distribution list. The process is straightforward, and the request will be promptly processed to ensure that the individual receives no further updates.

In the case of suspected research or publishing misconduct, the International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) can contact the authors’ funding organizations/ institutions to investigate the matter.


  1. COPE- Confidentiality and privacy issue.
  2. Strictly inherited to the Editorial and Publishing Policies of Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)